Senior picnic

Playing games, hanging out with friends and saying their final goodbyes, the 2014 seniors spend their last day of high school at the senior picnic.

The senior picnic is a tradition that happens every year on the seniors last day of high school.  Each year the students and some faculty members meet on the practice field outside of the school to spend time with their friends and reminisce on their memories made throughout their school years.

“The best part of the picnic was the jousting inflatable because we got to do it with our friends,” Senior Chelise DiMercurio said.

The theme is based around a carnival with inflatable bounce houses, carnival games and this year they added a dunk tank where the seniors get to dunk the teachers.

“It was sad knowing this was my last day of high school ever,” Senior Jamie Lotito said “But I’m happy I got to spend time with my friends and I’m excited to start the next chapter in my life.”

The picnic is a way for the senior class to bond together for one last time. While there may be tears with the seniors leaving, they look at it as not a goodbye, but a very tough see you soon.

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