Collin Koscieniak personality profile

Collin Koscieniak personality profile

His glory days didn’t end in high school.

The straight A student and All-State dream team football player, Collin Koscieniak continues to succeed at college.

“I am relentless and do whatever it takes to get better and to get a scholarship,” Koscieniak said.

Collin worked his hardest in the classroom and on the field in order to get a scholarship for college. He made sure he wasn’t lazy in school and he always gave his best.

“School is great. I love it. It’s tough at times but you get used to it. It’s also a lot of hard work,” Koscieniak said.

Colin moved to Ohio after graduation in order to attend Lake Erie College on a football scholarship. His football scholarship hasn’t changed his work ethic though. He is very studious and even improved his GPA since high school.

Balancing college and his intense daily morning practices is no small task, but Collin is not the average student. He knows that he slacking off is not an option in order to maintain his scholarship and work in sports management after graduation.

“Working hard and knowing my goals will lead me to my future success,” Koscieniak said. “Now it’s just time for me to never give up and always give 100 percent in everything I do.”