Hot Cocoa Craze

Hot Cocoa Craze
How to spice up your hot cocoa
By Staff Writer Gregory Haines

Hot chocolate is a warm solution to the cold Michigan winters, and variations on an old favorite add a twist.

Pumpkin Spice
-1 tsp of Maple Syrup
– ½ tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice
– 1 cup of milk
If you liked the Fall Frenzy, try some Pumpkin Spice!



-1 quart and ½ of milk

-½ cup of Nutella
-¾ cup of Hazelnut flavoring
If you liked Nutella for breakfast, it’s even better as a warm drink!


Peanut Butter
-1 1/2 cup of milk
-4 oz. of chopped chocolate
-¼ cup of Peanut Butter
Peanut butter and chocolate is a good Reese’s lover’s treat!