Beat the heat!


Junior Isabella Stenz cools off with a drink of water.

Michigan is known for it’s fluctuating weather, cold winters and hot summers. And with that hot summer right around the bend, here are some tips to keep it cool:

 Wear White: White and lighter colors better reflect the sun’s rays, or heat energy, whereas black and darker colors absorb them.

 Keep A Spray Bottle: Keep a small spray bottle on hand for instant refreshment. It can be filled with water, or even better, green tea. Green tea is packed with antioxidants, so not only will that mist moisten and refresh your skin, but it will keep it healthy too.

 Carry Blotting Paper: Blotting paper absorbs excess oils from the facial area that trap in heat and give the face a sweat-like glisten. Blotting paper can be purchased in the beauty aisle of any drugstore. They can also be made by hand, all it takes is tissue paper and scissors.

 Drink Water: It’s essential to replace the fluid you lose through sweat in order to stay cool. When the body falls into dehydration, it’s internal temperature rises. So drink up!

 Eat light: Eating fatty foods like a hamburger or corn dog results in a sluggish feeling, with which high temperatures are perceived as even hotter. Also, eat foods packed with moisture, like fruits, to help with the body’s hydration.

Wear Something Light: Tight clothes feel sticky covered in sweat, so opt for a sundress instead. Or for a boy, shorts of thinner fabric that flows easily. Clothing items that don’t fall as strictly against the body help with ventilation, letting fresh air in, and stuffy air out.