Yearbook finalizes book


Sarah Bratton

Editor-in-Chief Kristen Mezser reviews edits on a spread with Adviser Erica Kincannon. “I feel very excited to finally have our book done” Mezser said.

After months of planning, writing, photo taking, constant editing and work, the Yearbook class finalized their last pages.

“I am looking forward to everyone seeing all the hard work we did and to have them relive the good memories from this year,” staffer Marina Palazzolo said.

The theme is “in REALity” and the book is composed of 265 pages covering all school activities, students, staff, and much more.

While the yearbook finished on deadline, there were still some struggles according to Sports Editor Sarah Kozubiak.

“Getting fonts set was so hard. At the beginning of the year, none of our fonts were picked out, so we had to establish fonts for the staff to use and it was really difficult, but we got through it,” Kozubiak said.

With 1400 yearbooks ordered, Adviser Erica Kincannon had some unique circumstances to handle.

“We only have 15 students on staff, when we usually have between 24 and 30, so our staff has really had to step up,” Kincannon said.

Nine snow days added pressure on the staff, but the staff still had to finish on time in order for seniors to receive the yearbook before graduation.

While the book is complete, students will not see the yearbook until approximately Memorial Day. Until then, the Yearbook class will remain busy.

“I am looking forward to celebrating with the staff,” staffer Amanda Horton said, “But then we are going to plan for next year’s yearbook.”