Odrobina becomes Eagle Scout

Odrobina becomes Eagle Scout

Involved in Boy Scouts for eight years, sophomore Alec Odrobina earned his title as an Eagle Scout with Troop 349.

“It felt so good and I felt very accomplished when I became an Eagle Scout, because I was working up to becoming one for a long time,” Odrobina said.

Odrobina worked up up to becoming an Eagle Scout since seventh grade.  He met the requirements while transitioning, which included being active in his troop, demonstrating he lives by the Boy Scout honor, earning a total of 21 merit badges, and creating and executing his service project.

“It was a great accomplishment for Alec,”  Mother Carrie Odrobina said. “It was something he had been working up to for years and it was a huge project in Detroit that helped out hundreds of people.”

For his project, Odrobina built a food pantry for City Covenant Church.  He funded the whole project himself with the help of donations from his friends, family and local businesses.  Along with the dedicated people that helped in the creation of the pantries, he also received help from other scouts in his troop.  The final project was completed in August of 2013 with the placing of a plaque by Odrobina on one of the walls.

“My favorite merit badges that I had to get are probably lifesaving, wilderness survival and camping because they were the most fun to get,” Odrobina said.

To obtain his merit badges, Odrobina performed certain tasks.  With the lifesaving badge he demonstrated different water rescue methods.  For the wilderness survival badge he discussed a few different ways to avoid panic.  And with his camping badge he described what he would do and wear in the different weather conditions.

“Being in Boy Scouts was one of the best things that’s ever happened to me,” Odrobina said “I’ve learned so much that will not only help me as a student, but also in the future.”