Health consequences of skipping breakfast

Students rush around in the mornings not leaving enough time to eat the most important meal of the day- breakfast. Students don’t realize the negative effects that come with not eating.

“I never eat breakfast in the morning,” sophomore Lauren Smith said. “I like to sleep for the longest amount of time so I don’t have enough time to make myself something to eat before I leave.”

Students who increased their participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math scores than students who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. The group of students who increased breakfast participation also had decreased rates of tardiness and absences according to Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

“After hearing about how eating breakfast can improve your grades my views have changed,” junior Brenna Noyes said. “I am now going to make sure that I eat breakfast everyday to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to hopefully help get my grades up in school.”

By eating breakfast every morning students are working to improve in school and keep their bodies healthier.