Senior sunset featuring mock elections

Mock election winners who showed up to the senior sunset.


Nicest Guy: Ryan Polisei

Nicest Girl: Armeen Shawka

Cutest Couple: John Gawel & Lauren Tabbi

Biggest Flirt: Evan Hays

Best Smile: Ethan Mychajluk 

Best Smile: Aliza Willeke

Most Likely to be President: Jacob Maurer

Best Bros: Luke Aniel & Ty Soubliere

Best Girl Duo: Isabel Biermann & Maggie McGuire 

Best Dressed: Armani Duraku

Best Dressed: Alena Kismikh 

Most Likely to be a Millionaire: Jacob Maurer 

Most School Spirited: Vito Pellecchia

Best Male Athlete: Luke Aniel

Best Female Athlete: Ella Kane

Class Clown: Peyton Mehr

Class Clown: Katie Smith