Paperless is waste less

Switching to a more environmental-friendly, paperless school plan offers many benefits for the district and community


Majority of the papers printed by students go to this printer. “I think for some people it is easier to remember stuff when you physically write it down,” sophomore Grace Shutter said. Most of the papers were thrown out shortly after being printed.

“I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please,” according to People should listen to the classic Dr. Seuss character. 

By making the school paperless, the school and the district would be saving money. The cost of the paper, cost of ink and cost of printers add up and the school budget is usually tight. The change allows the saved money to be spent on other tools for learning.

Not only does going paperless save money, but it saves the environment as well. The paper waste would decrease and local landfills wouldn’t fill up as quickly. Recycle plants could also focus more on other issues such as plastic instead of worrying about paper products. 

Current events caused the school to put most curriculum online for students to access. Teachers pass out papers to students then require students to take a picture of their work and upload it online. This process involves many steps that could be avoided if teachers just post the assignment online and stop passing out papers. 

A teachers’ to-do list usually consists of many things, making sure they have enough copies of an assignment for their students every day shouldn’t be one of them. Posting all assignments online and not printing any takes away the trip to the usually broken or malfunctioning printer. 

Printers would still be available for students who prefer to print, but teachers wouldn’t print things. This allows the more pencil paper learners to print if required and visual learners would be able to save paper. 

The classic “my dog ate my homework”, left it at home, left it in my locker or any other excuse would no longer apply as papers wouldn’t be used. Having all school materials in one place makes it easier to find assignments for students and teachers. The organizational aspect of going paperless also cuts down on filing cabinets filled with forgotten papers, which cleans up classrooms. 

It can be said that not everything should be on computers, such as tests when students are more likely to try to cheat and get away with it, however, by walking around and having all students’ laptops visible, attempts at cheating can easily be caught and met with appropriate consequences. 

To make the change to a paperless plan, students can use their voices and notify the school board. If this happens, the Lorax will finally have his voice heard, and with this baby step, the environment will slowly recover.