How to stay motivated

    The last semester is always the hardest semester,  students have given their on school work and are starting to slack off.

     It’s tough to be motivated at the end of the year, but grades still count and students’ can’t let them slip. There are many ways for students to stay focused on school when summer is so close.

Enough sleep is a great start to trying to stay motivated. According to WebMD, a lack of sleep makes it difficult to learn. Getting a good night’s sleep can help someone stay awake in class so they are ready to concentrate and learn.

     Studying in new ways may help the brain retain information differently. Studying the same way can make someone bored and not want to study. Mixing study habits up can make sure boredom doesn’t creep up.

      Setting goals is also a good way to stay motivated, according to College Board. Write down goals at the beginning of the year and then throughout the semester, go through and see which ones are complete.

      There are many ways to stay motivated for the last stretch of the school year so don’t be lazy-do work.