Key club members prepare to cast their votes for future board members at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4.
“I am looking forward to the possibility of being a part of the leadership in Key Club for a second year and having a role where I can encourage others to help make our school and community a better place,” junior Sonja Peterson, current key club secretary and president candidate said.
With a current board of four seniors, the majority of spots are up for grabs to potential first-time board members. Elections are mandatory for all sophomores and juniors. It will last around two hours and pizza from Sorrento’s will be served.
“It’s important for students to attend elections so that club leadership is well represented,” key club advisor Linda Craun said.
After an accomplished year of hosting Fall Rally, winning awards at the Student Leadership Conference and hosting an additional blood drive, Craun looks forward to seeing what next year brings.
“There’s only one returning board member running because the rest are graduating, so there can only be new ideas,” Craun said. “Hopefully the new members will continue improving the club and bring fresh enthusiasm.”