Kicking it in karate

Lauren Schwarz earns a junior black belt in karate at sixteen years old.

Junior Chase Schwarz practices karate. At the end of practice, the class read the The Black Belt Commitment. “The creed not only has taught me all of that, but it helps me keep those virtues close to me on and off the mat,” Schwarz said.

Junior Lauren Schwarz received their thirteenth belt– a junior black belt, but it’s not over. Schwarz works hard to receive his next belt– a second junior black belt.

After five years and multiple practices a week, they worked on stances, punches, kicks and blocks. Schwarz achieved multiple belts. They went through a series of specific belt tests every few months to move onto the next rank with each one getting harder as time went on.

“I’m extremely happy I was able to stick with it for all of these years and reach my goal. Receiving my junior black belt is probably my greatest achievement, and it’s something I will never regret doing,” said Schwarz.

Schwarz is currently working on their sparring techniques– which is where you test your fighting skills and techniques on another player. Sparring used to be a difficult hurdle for him, but he always got extra help when needed and went to separate additional classes to help. 

“I’m personally a defensive fighter, so I’m really trying to master moving around more and throwing more offensive moves,” Schwarz said.

Schwarz plans on continuing with karate throughout high school and possibly seeing where martial arts can take them throughout their career.

Not only has karate taught me self-defense, but it has also taught me a multitude of skills I use in my everyday life,” said Schwarz.