Careless driving not worth the risk

Statistics never tell the whole story. Behind the numbers are children, parents, neighbors and friends. Torn apart by senseless, preventable car crashes.

Tragically, more than 10,000 people will lose their lives in traffic accidents this year, approximately 5,000 of those accidents will involve drivers less than 21 years old, according to the Safe Teen Driver Organization. Teens need to realize the amount of power they possess when sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Irresponsible driving decisions could result in someone’s death,even one’s own; and unfortunately, many teens let that slip their minds. They think, “I won’t die, I’m only 17.”

They pile in cars, blare music and focus on their phones, instead of the road. A possible accident doesn’t even occur to them. When distracted or driving recklessly, the risk of a crash increases by 23 percent, according to the Safe Teen Driver Organization. This is easily preventable just by driving responsibly and focusing on the road.

A piece of metal won’t protect drivers from ramming into another vehicle. A seat belt won’t stop a collision when someone is texting. An airbag won’t cushion the blow of a head-on crash. It’s time for teens to stop thinking they’re indestructible.

It’s in the news, on the radio, even in movies. Teens see it every day in the school parking lot, yet they continue to play the odds. Distracted and reckless driving remains a serious issue.

Don’t risk it.