Importance of Mothers Day gifts


The main role model in someone’s life, who they look up to, who they go to for advice – ones mother. Our mothers do so much for us and it’s important to show them how much we love and value them.


“Good Mothers Day gifts could be jewelry, clothes or anything homemade. Homemade items are the best because they make mothers feel loved,” sophomore Alissa Thompson said.


Gifts are the least children can do to show appreciation for mothers. Even when moms are sick, they put their kids first and make sure they are okay before they worry about themselves.


“I think it’s important to buy Mothers Day gifts because moms sacrifice so much for us,” sophomore Alissa Thompson said. “They take time out of their days to make sure we’re okay and have everything we need.”


Never take moms for granted, they do so much for us without us even realizing. Appreciate all the little things they do and make them feel special.


“It’s important to show your mom you love and care for her,” sophomore Faith Babbie said.  “She always wants the best for me and is always there for me.”