We’re All In This Together


James Kearney

the cast poses after the play

The drama club was all in this together and it showed during their annual spring musical production featuring “High School Musical.”


The drama club’s performance showcased impressive choreography during the dance sequences with few noticeable errors. The scenery had a interesting design the color scheme of red and white helped grab the audience’s attention.

The Wildcats News segments were funny and the newscasters delivery of his lines made them a highlight of the musical. The singing sounded authentic and really gave off that “High School Musical” vibe; “Get your head in the game” and “We’re all in this together” were the stand out songs in this production  

As good as the performance was, there were a couple challenges. There was never really a scenery change, so every scene looked like it took place in the same hallway; but the scenery showed a lot of detail, the newscaster booth was the best example of this with all of the posters and notices inside it.

There were a couple of sound and lighting issues through the musical, however that was mostly due to tech issues and not human error. Despite these blips on the radar, the play was a fun experience and a real treat for those who watched it.