The age of “Netflix and Chill”

“You’re only 17, you won’t stay together forever.”

“The timing is off.”

In 2017 cheating and disloyalty is becoming normal, and that is one of the saddest things.

Adults who have never experienced high school love constantly try to put kids down who are in a relationship. They tell them it won’t last forever and to just give up when things get hard. Don’t.

Two teachers from Malow Junior high and Shelby Junior high, Mr. and Mrs. Kupke, have been happily married for over ten years now, with two kids. Guess how long they have been together? Since 8th grade. They are proof that love lasts longer than the average four months of high school years.

My older sister and her boyfriend, who are now juniors in college have been together since 10th grade and are still going strong. Chivalry isn’t dead. There are still those grandparents that force their grandsons to treat women correctly. I know this because, I’m dating one. Obviously I’m not in my twenties or thirties so I can’t say that we have been together for years now, but we aren’t breaking up anytime soon.

We aren’t your average high school relationship. We don’t cheat or flirt with other people like many couples do. It’s a horrible thing to say that someone has cheated on you more than once but you stay with them, boys and girls should be loyal to who they are with, people shouldn’t have to search for someone that won’t cheat on them. And that should be common knowledge.

What happened to taking people on dates instead of just hanging out? It’s all “Netflix and chill,” not “hey, let’s go to dinner.”

Not everyone is a hopeless romantic but maybe they could be, if romanticism was still a common thing. So if there’s someone out there gives you butterflies in your stomach and your face flushes from embarrassment when trying to talk to them, ask them on a date, not to chill. Maybe the person might actually like you if you actually make an attempt to take them to dinner, not to your basement.