Hope For Homeless kicks off new year with exciting events


How long ago did you start this club?

Founder of Hope For Homeless Audrey Warner ‘18: “We started around May of last year.”

What made you want to start this club? Did anyone inspire you to do it?

Warner:  “Well I wanted to start a club based around something we needed in our community and Mrs. Haun actually gave me the idea.  She told me about this meeting that they had where they talked about the homeless situation in Macomb County, so I thought that would be something I would be interested in getting to know more about.”

Do you think this club has changed your outlook on anything?

Warner:  “Yeah kind of knowing that there are people so close, like homeless people so close to us, just realizing that I should do my part to make a difference around my area first.”

Are you looking forward to anything upcoming in the club this year, like any big events?

Warner: “Yeah we are packing backpacks October 8th at Macomb Community College and we are also doing the teens for jeans campaign this year and we are going to try and come up with some other things as well.”