Christmas Break Q&A!

The Christmas Break is a time where students have the opportunity to get away from hustle and bustle of daily school life, and to unwind and take their mind off things. Sophomore John Ataalla, in particular, explained what he did over the break.

Q: How did you spend your Christmas and did you do anything exciting?

A: I spent Christmas Day at my cousin’s house with my family.

Q: What was your favorite gift that you got on Christmas and why?

A: I got one gift for Christmas, which was money. I like having money because that way if I see something I want I can buy it.

Q: Did you do anything special over the Christmas break?

A: I took a trip to Canada to visit some extended family that don’t live in the United States.

Q: Lastly, how did you spend your New Year’s? What’s your biggest New Year’s Resolution for 2016?

A: I spent New Year’s with my family in Canada. This year, I would really like to improve my academic performance in school because I know that I can do better.

John Ataalla  (1)