First annual Senior Sunset

A movie, friends, icees and popcorn. All this will be waiting for seniors at the first annual Senior Sunset on Monday, May 19.

“I think this will be a really fun event for everyone,” senior class president Francesca Cusumano said. “It’s a cute way to wrap up a good year with your friends.”

The senior sunset will be held at the practice football field next to the school at 7 PM. At the event, Ferris Buehler’s Day Off will be played on a blow-up movie screen for everyone to watch. Chairs will not be provided, so make sure to bring some blankets. Icees and popcorn will also be provided by Student Council.

“I’m really glad they started this this year,” senior Emily Rizzi said. “I went to the Senior Sunrise and had a good time, so I’m excited for this.”

This was the first year of both the Senior Sunrise and Sunset. In the beginning of the school year, the Senior Sunrise was held and pancakes and waffles were served before school.

“We thought it would be a really cool way to start and end the year with everyone,” Cusumano said. “It kind of brings the senior class together.”

Along with movies and popcorn, yearbooks will also be distributed at the Senior Sunset to all senior students who purchased one.

“Having the yearbooks passed out at the sunset gives everyone the chance to look at it together and sign them,” yearbook Editor-In-Chief Kristen Meszer said.

The senior sunset will be full of festivies, friends, fun and food. Starting at 7, the event will end around 10 PM.

“It’s almost bittersweet that we’re all going to be going our seperate ways,” Rizzi said. “This is a fun way for everyone to just hang out.”