Men’s varsity tennis begins another year

Men’s Varsity tennis is halfway through another year with coach, Mike Pearson. Team captain, Matthew Donahue, answered some questions to sum up the ongoing season.


Q: What is your favorite aspect to being a team captain?

Team captain Matthew Donahue ‘17: “I like being able to help out my team members.”


Q: How do you react if your team loses a game?

Donahue: “Focus on winning the next one and not worrying about that one.”


Q: How strict would you consider yourself to be as a team captain?

Donahue: “Pretty strict. I want to make sure that the teammates are always working as hard as they can.”


Q: How would you rank tennis among your favorite sports?

Donahue: “It’s one of my favorite sports for sure.”


Q: What good qualities do you have as a team captain?

Donahue: “I think I’m a good leader. I’m calm and not stressed out.”