Publication students attend MIPA

Yearbook, Newspaper, and Journalism staff members learn new skills at the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association annual fall conference

Publication students adventure downtown Lansing to find a quick bite to eat before heading back to the conference. “This is my 3rd year attending the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association Fall conference,” senior Editor-in-Chief Lauren Kostiuk said. “I love it so much because everyone there has the same passion.” Students brought back several ideas to use in the newspaper and yearbook.

Journalism students boarded the bus at 6 a.m. on Monday Oct. 21 to attend Michigan Interscholastic Press Association’s (MIPA) fall conference.

“It was a lot of fun and you get to meet new people who have the same interests as you,” sophomore journalism student Linsley Snider said.

Students were given a variety of sessions to choose from with information on newspaper, yearbook, photography, video and social media. The sessions taught students several ways of improving their skills and taking them to the next level by breaking journalistic style.

“I learned that my opinions might have a place in an article,” sophomore journalism student Jasmine Feeley said. “It was great knowing that everyone there had a love for writing.”

Students brought back several ideas to use in the newspaper and yearbook to make it different and unique.

“I always love the enthusiasm and new concepts my student journalists bring back from MIPA. This year, they were inspired by headline writing, editing and design sessions,” publications adviser and journalism teacher Erica Kincannon said. “I’m looking forward to seeing them put their ideas into action this year for the betterment of our student publications.”