Mural madness

Art students decide to detail the walls with a brand-new creation

Armed with a crimson painted roller and determination, senior Emily Tschirhart begins the long process of the mural. “The inspiration I got from the Detroit water tower was that it encompasses different animals, just like we encompass different people,” Tschirhart said. Tschirhart spent time after school working on the mural.

Students grew quite familiar with the blank walls encompassing the school, however, the addition of a colorful mural spices up the scenery to the school environment.

“I think it’s important because it’s going to encompass the whole student body; it’s going to represent all of us and diversity,” senior Emily Tschirhart said.

The design takes after the well-known Detroit Zoo water tower design, substituting the animals with people. Scheduled to take up a large wall in the art hallway, the process for the mural started.

“I think they have an interest and they kind of take pride in: ‘Hey. This is our school and look how great the painting is’ and it just adds interest,” art teacher Nancy Druia said.

Many students plan to paint it, including Tschirhart. Students look forward to the new hallway art. 

“It represents the school,” Tschirhart said, “ because the school is made up of all different types of people.”