
Eisenhower and Malow French students convene to enjoy movie and dinner

Madison Bellman

While the French students enjoy a catered dinner at Malow Jr. High, they also take the time to talk with their peers. Some of the older students thought it was exciting to see the next group of kids. “[My favorite part was] seeing some of the other french students from here and the next generation of French students,” sophomore Mina Metzler said.

On a rainy and gray Tuesday afternoon, the French students at Malow Junior High and Eisenhower feast and celebrate French culture.

“It had a French culture attached to it,” French teacher Daniel Wagner said. “It’s kind of a cultural experience, so kids can get that experience.”

Malow French teacher Joan Baldiga planned the dinner. The group ate catered French cuisine followed by watching the French movie, Cirque Du Soleil

“It was nice seeing that even the younger kids, eighth and ninth graders, are also interested in French culture,“ sophomore Madison Bellman said.

Being able to experience and immerse themselves into a language is important for students to learn, according to principal Jared McEvoy.

“That’s part of the learning in a language class,” McEvoy said. “So hopefully when you take a language class, [a] big part of is learning the language, but so much of it and even more of it is learning the culture that comes along with it.”