Plenty of room in stands

Erika Tokarz

Mens varsity baseball team flashes their ‘W’s after a win.

Spring. It’s the season of baseball.

After spending cold winter months restricted by turf, tees and batting cages, ball players come out of hibernation—but the fans seem to still be keeping warm.

It all starts with the first practice, usually restricted by the all too familiar turf, tees and batting cages. But the restrictions come with a feeling of optimism, because everyone knows that tomorrow there is a possibility of being freed from the walls of the winter. For the players that is—because the fans are still nowhere to be seen.

When that fateful day arrives, whether it be practice or game one, it doesn’t matter to ball players. For the players, it’s a day that brings more excitement than a child on Christmas morning. It’s a feeling that can give even a senior butterflies—the same butterflies experienced on the first day of tee ball.

Rolling up through the Malow parking lot, windows down, music loud, the sound of cleats on pavement with seeds in hand. It’s an atmosphere that provides a feeling that cannot be explained.

Players walk up to the Eagle’s nest surrounded by a royal blue fence. Cleats transition from the hard pavement to the muddy grass left over from winter’s snow. Bleachers on either side of the same royal blue colored press box sit with not a soul to support.  

The excitement of the season arrived. But unlike the athletes of fall and winter, ball players have no one to share the excitement with.

Supposedly baseball isn’t an “exciting game” to watch. Don’t take others’ words for it, though. Come see for yourself.

Come watch baseballs at distances making your jaw drop.

Come hear bats pop so loud it will steal your attention from side conversations.

Come experience intense situations keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Come cheer with the third base dugout putting smiles on the umpire and opponent’s faces.

Come see the team hungry for redemption with the best start to a season in school history.

The chains of the turf, tees and batting cages are off and the season is underway.

It is safe to say this: baseball, the stage is yours. And fans: come experience America’s past time and don’t be shy—because there’s plenty of room in the stands.