With a goal of 22 units of blood from the Versiti blood donation, both the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and Key Club members are fueled by a deep sense of community and desire to engage students to donate blood and make it happen.
“People making donations think it is only for older people, these are your peers, these are people, this is a student activity, but it is also a dire need,” Versiti Account Representative Taylor Bembery said.
The blood drive will take place on Wednesday, March 12 in the PAC lobby. Students can donate from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students will be able to sign up beforehand in order to see if they meet the requirements. HOSA and Key Club are hoping to reach the goal, 22 units of blood, but hope to reach a higher number just to have some backup. To have people donating, HOSA and Key Club are making posters in order to spread the word.
“Posters would be just like normal posters, it has to be big like the ones from the dollar store and it should have the date and requirements of the blood drive,” senior Nashita Aziz said.
There was a lot of thought put into this brainstorming in order to advertise this upcoming blood drive. In order to captivate students furthermore, ideas of prices at the end are being thought of in order to convince students to donate blood. With both HOSA and Key Club members, this goal is hoped to be achievable since Eisenhower makes up over 10 percent of the Versiti program within high schools.
“We really are leaning on our high schools to get these units,” Bembery said, “because you guys make up 30 percent of the blood collections that we have.”