Hours of jumping, falling, spinning, stretching and moving on or off the ice pays off sending Macomb United through states.
“I think the most exciting part (of competition) is getting to see all the skaters’ hard work actually pay off, because a lot of them, especially a lot of the competitive skaters, that’s what they practice so hard for. So finally getting to see their performance is very rewarding,” Suburban Macomb and Rochester Ice Center figure skating coach Devin Prasatek said.
Macomb United figure skaters’ team state competition took place on Sunday, March 10 at the Southgate Civic Center. The competition started at 8 a.m. and ended at 4 p.m. Macomb United’s team B placed 7th out of 13 at states and team C placed 13th out of 13.
“My biggest challenge in competition is facing my anxiety and being scared to perform,” Team B competitor Angelina Megge-Impastato said.
To qualify for states, Macomb United’s’ teams A, B and C competed in three preliminary team competitions. Team A didn’t qualify but team B and C placed 2nd and 1st respectively in district five and qualified.
“The most exciting part of competition for me is being able to hang out with teammates and sit with friends in the stands. (To prepare for states) I’ve just been stretching and on ice a lot of training, practice (on my own) and practicing with the team,” Megge-Impasato said. “My coaches help by being very supportive and calming me down if I freak out.”