Sophomore orientation 

The classes of 2017 and 2018 welcomed the incoming sophomores from Malow and Shelby Junior High School on Wed. June 8th and Thurs. June 9th.

On Wednesday, the upcoming seniors went to a pep assembly that was held to get the freshmen from Malow excited for next year. The choir sang, the dance team performed, the sideline cheer team uplifted, the band brought music to everyone’s ears and student council had some of the freshmen play games to make them feel a bit more comfortable.

“I was surprised to see that there was a lot of freshman, I didn’t know the class of 2019 was going to be so huge,” junior Jayda Babbie said.

After the assembly was over, students took groups of freshman around the school, giving them a tour. Meanwhile, clubs set up booths outside of the gymnasium that the incoming sophomores could go to if they were interested in it. Another pep assembly was held on Thursday and the upcoming juniors welcomed the current freshmen from Shelby to the school, the same events from the previous day occurred.

“I have a neutral feeling about the incoming sophomores, because some of them may cause problems, but I love my current freshmen friends so I can’t wait to see them,” sophomore Brittany Vono said.